Sunday, 10 November 2013

Knowing me Alan Partridge, Knowing you West Ham Fans

Knowing me Alan Partridge, Knowing you West Ham Losers!
Well what a Ruddy game Huh. Smell my cheese you West Ham Mothers!!!! But no I must stop myself right there. Having been one of the top 8 BBC sports reporters during march of 1993 I must portray this epic Norwich victory. Firstly not a lot of West Ham fans know that after the bombing of Dresden, Norwich became the city with the most pre reformation churches in Europe. Having looked down the barrel of defeat I am sure that many of the traveller West Ham community found solace in the beautiful stone cloisters of Norwich Cathedral post match. Don't get me wrong-I actually like cockneys. You lot are essentially like shop soiled humans. Although we don't require the soup kitchens and Pie and Mash shops like you lot do.
National treasure? I ruddy think not!
While on my typical Sunday morning drive up the A47 to Swwaffam I reflected upon the game yesterday. Then I tried to call my Ex Wife Carol and my son Fernando  to get their thoughts on the match but unfortunately they were unavailable to take my call. Might phone Lin in a bit actually. On that note I must leave you cockney rejects with one final thought.... SAM!!!!!, SAM!!!!! SAM!!!!! SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alan. x


  1. How the hell is this site linked to Newsnow ffs? Post something inciteful and candid for crying out loud., not more of this drivel.

    1. err, that's probably 'insightful', Sir!

    2. I guess this site, has incited you to insightless poor spelling!

  2. Excellent stuff...AHA !!!!

  3. Norwich r still going down
    come on you Blues


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