As the debate raged about Nicolas ‘Le Sulk’ Anelka’s “celebration”
after scoring against West ham on Saturday, Mike Peabottomley – head of PR at British geeksports – has offered an
illuminating and unique perspective on the matter: “Nicolas was almost
certainly practising hand gestures from his new preferred sport. After years of
breaking opposition fans’ hearts with his cold assassin-like play, he has
turned away from soccer to Underwater Rugby – the fastest
growing sport by that name in the world at present”
Note 'Grabbing players equipment' the scourge of modern URugger
Nicolas himself has offered a variety of lame excuses for
his gesture, including the much debated anti-establishment “Quenelle”. However,
Peabottomley has likened the gesture to the flip-flop fascism of Paolo Di Canio
– half-baked and mostly misunderstood by the exponent. ”Nicolas was probably
using the evocative quenelle as a distraction from the fact that he actually
hates soccer and wants to play U-Rugger instead – even though it is mostly
populated by weirdos and loners, most of whom have been banned from potholing
and trainspotting”.
"Hey - pass it here - I'm in acres of space"
It is thought that Anelka fell out of love with soccer
football during his time playing under Big Sam at Bolton where he was an
accomplice in a variety of disgraceful crimes against football. Allardyce’s
troops at the Reebok regularly ‘battered’ opposing teams before stealing points
with utterly aesthetically unappealing goals from knock downs and other messy manoeuvres
– something like Kevin Nolan’s poor quality strike for West Ham against the
baggies on Saturday.
It's Ok - he plays for top clubs
In other news, top politicians have acted angrily at the
increasing trend for untrained and unintelligent sports stars to invade the political domain, regularly trying
to steal a march upon our publicly–elected reporesentatives’ highly
sophisticated practices. The right honourable Sir Rodney Wiltybits – chairman
of Politicians Anonymous, speaking
from the lingerie section at Marks and Spencers lashed out at the trend “we
simply cannot tolerate have-a-go-Joes and other charlatans to populate our
political landscape with foul and obscene gesturing and the like”….
Cudnt resist a pop at Mrs T!