Tuesday 6 November 2012

Hands off our blog you fascists!

All you fascists are bound to lose
In another crushing blow to the Murdoch media empire, it emerged last night that the Verywestham team plan to take legal action against the Sunday times for what they consider to be cynical efforts to usurp the increasingly influential blog. In a new low for the Murdoch empire, observers have pointed out that the weekly 'football maths' section bore an uncanny resemblance to the highly entertaining Verywestham  blog from the previous day.

                                                              Did he learn?
Insiders have speculated as to what could have provoked the Murdoch empire to engage in such foolish behaviour, which in soccer terms would surely be classed as the proverbial ‘schoolboy error’ somewhat like James Collins’ laughable back pass in the match against Swansea earlier this season.
                                                                      Exhibit 'A'
Insiders have revealed that the giants of the publishing world have decided to take firm action to deal with the rapidly increasing popularity of the excellent Verywestham blogsite and have been especially concerned by the recent joining of forces with West Ham’s favourite matchday fanzine ‘Blowing Bubbles’ (see page 21 of current issue at www.blowing-bubbles.co.uk/season-1213.html )

                                                                              Oh Yeah!!!
This collaboration is predicted to have the same seismic impact as the infamous merger of  Shoot® and Goal® magazines in 1974 which literally changed footie coverage in the UK.
                                                                         Oh Yeah!!!
                                               (note the prominent Goal acknowledgement)

Others have expressed their concerns regarding this vicious assault upon the integrity of the blog and are worried that it might impact upon top Verywestham team member Rory Meagher’s close relationship with ‘boutique’ publisher and Hammers Chairman David ‘Goldie’ Gold.
                            Rory and Goldie with some urchin background kids trying to get a look in

In a further twist, it has emerged that any compensation resulting from the case will only be accepted by the Verywestham team if, in keeping with the content of the indiscretion, is coughed up in Klingon Darseks.
                                                 Carlos Valderama on a recent visit to Earth

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