Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Dobson's Choice is no Morton's Fork!

George can start wearing his favourite scarf in public again!

The football community raised an eyebrow yesterday as top Arsenal prospect George Dobson abandoned the Gooners for their London rivals over at West Ham. Dobson was captain of the Arsenal under 18 side last season and his defection to East London serves as further evidence that the lack of oppportunity at the Gooners is inhibiting the growth of young talent.

Just like with the Carl Jenkinson situation, Arsenal's loss will be very much West Ham's gain as the energetic central defender come holding midfielder looks set to join an exciting group of youth prospects in the Hammers development squad. Any mystery around Dobson's choice was cleared up today as he revealed on twitter the Hobson's choice that he faced given the opportunity to switch allegiance to his boyhood club..."delighted to have signed for the team that i have supported all my life"

With Dobson expected to become a major force in the next few years, his decision is certainly no Morton's fork! 


  1. Mortons fork wtf?

  2. Phew. We thought nobody would ask....

    MF=> two choices both of which lead to the same negative conclusion...e.g.
    if you leave Arsenal for West ham you aint good enough fir Arsenail
    if you dont seize the opportunity to get more football at eest ham then you will never be good enough to play for arsenail....

    All nonsense of course as we win either way....just like with Jenks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

  5. Like Big Sam for most of his time at west ham


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