Saturday, 11 June 2016

For Fcuk's Sake Slaven, Stop being so Bloody Brilliant!!!


Yes, we love him. Rock star Manager - smart and honest - he says what we all feel - and often in the way we say it to eachother in real life. Slaven doesn't subscribe to the 'I didn't see the incident myself' school of Wuzzy punditry, rather, he says it as he sees it - often with stunning objectivity about our own efforts!

We were a mere seconds into the half time analysis last night when the Hammers boss let fly with an expletive - when asked what Hugo Lloris might say to his defence he replied using a naughty word that we are all very familiar with! Even better, as the international media gasped in disbelief, Slaven banged on totally unphased.

Shocking stuff - not really, just the real world penetrating our sanitised media. As Hammers fans, we would have to hold up our hands and admit that amongst the worst fence sitting pundits of modern times was our own Uncle Trev Brooking but with SuperSlav we are making up for that in spades.

As for Bilic - is there any manager who is cooler in World footie right now? Why not ask fans of Arsenal, Man United, Man City, Tottenham, Liverpool, Everton and Chelsea - all of whom have seen their sides tamed by Mr Bilic this past year.

Will ITV bang on with the vernaculous Bilic or will they reverse towards the Unkie Trev Brigade? Come on ITV - SHOW US SOME BALLS!!!


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