Saturday, 11 June 2016

Hammers Concede Sale of Payet

All this Payet perfection at the Euros is great fun to take in until you click on the internet to find headlines like 'Why is Payet wasting his talent at West Ham' [Talksport] or 'Chelsea set for Mega Bid' [Club Call] or "Dimitri Payet brilliance sparks intense Barcelona and Real Madrid interest' [Eurosport UK]. Already there are reports of massive transfer fees being set as thankfully, Messers Gold and Sullivan were smart enough to nail down a long term Hammers contract during the mid season.

But how big a transfer release figure is enough to make the point to would be buyers? Luckily,we at VERYWESTHAM have turned to top International mathematicians for a solution to finding the number best suited to communicating how much Payet is NOT FOR SALE.

Graham's number is an unimaginably large number that is generally considered to be the largest actual number short of infinity. Named after mathematician Ronald Graham, it is much larger than either Skewes' number or Moser's number - both of which are humungously bigger than a googolplex, which is, apparently, pretty damn massive.

Graham's number is so large that the observable universe is far too small to contain even an ordinary digital representation of it!!!! If you could visualise Graham's number in your mind then your head would collapse into a black hole - perfect reward for those would-be pilfering types at Chelsea, PSG, Barca, Real and Manchester-the-United-Citeh!

As Slaven Bilic might put it when next on International Television - F*** off!


  1. Are you sure there isn't an even bigger number, just in case?

  2. Maybe 'Payet's Number' for the new unimaginable figure?

  3. given that Dimitri has more talent than many of the super-heroes on super-hero money, that talent has been brought to the fore by West Ham. Would he have done so well at another club, I think not. The question is whether one can accept a bit part in a super club, or be King at West Ham.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The rumours are that west ham would accept an offer over £60m. For me if we keep him he could be worth 10x that.

  6. @essojohn: I reckon payet has been coaching bale in the classic art of free kicking. !!!!
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  7. I could Cry out load with Laughter as the whole World wants Payet and he plays for my life long team who are on the verge off knocking over the apple cart !! with the utmost Respect to the "Bigger Clubs" EAT MY SHORTS !!! lol !!!

  8. and so the fook you put up such a BS mislead headline? Because yer to lazy to think of an intelligent headline to attract readers. Same as the shot paper talk. takin the piss out of your fellow Hammers. Pift yer a disgrace WHTID

  9. Jayz Ric, You Weeely missed da point mate? We are fcuking laughing big time my fellow Hammer. Enjoy the tension - he's staying!!!

  10. Of course it's all potty. I just can't see giving the wind up to your hammers mates win The nonsense is being puked out and everyone of my mates that's not a hammer Is probably getting the rub FFS! Best to talk about us signing Michy or Lacazete and the scum not!! COYFI

  11. It is a bloody daft title for a blog - coming from a West Ham fan. Throws petrol on the flames, just to attract more readers and comments. Title of the blog should have been less ambiguous: GIT.

    1. John, I doubt somehow if a blog is likely to swing Payet's future in either direction but it does make the point that he is priceless to us right now. The move to the OS was most justified as the way to stop being a feeder club for others. The Payet story will speak to just how 'big' we really are now.

  12. The writers of blogs like this deserve promotion to
    "The Brentwood Guessit."


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