Sunday, 26 October 2014

Amalfitano and Valencia Join the Moonies!

Dumbfounded Moonies get a visit from the Hammers hit squad!
In scenes reminiscent of Eric Cantona's terrifying assault upon a Crystal Palace fan, jubilant Hammers' players Morgan Amalfitano and Enner Valencia lost the run of themselves after combining for West Ham's opener in yesterday's conclusive destruction of the Mancunian side.

Apparently mistaking the Moonies of Man City as Hammers fans (?!?!), the pair ran into the crowd to celebrate, much to the horror of the City fans who were in a state of complete shock after just conceding a goal in a match they probably thought they would easily win. 

Their surprise was undoubtedly exaggerated by the 11-0 haul they amassed over three games against the Bubbles brigade last year, and as a result they were more than dumbfounded as the Hammers took the game to them and out punched them in a thrilling toe to toe confrontation.

Later on the Moonies were to suffer further embarrassment as Alex Song decided to rub in his total dominance of midfield by performing a variety of ball juggling tricks and even completed a rabona inside the City box.

The incident has provoked much joviality amongst the VERYWESTHAM crew, but has also opened old wounds regarding the longstanding dispute in the team as to who is the most amusing member of the crowd in the famous snapshot of the Cantona incident? We have circled the preferred three and are running a fans' poll in an effort to try and resolve the matter for once and for all.

Which one do you find the most amusing?

A. Mr Blue: "Gggggordon Bennett!!!"
B. Mr Yellow: "Wot a lark, fantastico!!!"
C. Mr Pink: "Oh my Gawd, that's right awful that is Mildred"

Send your answers on a postcard to:
Mr Neil Warnock, 
Director of Outrage and Righteous Indignation, 
Crystal Pulis Football club, 
Sarf London, 


  1. Director of Outrage and Rightous Indignation? lol
    Whatever could you be implying! haha

  2. Valencia ended up in the crowd because of the momentum of his run. Morgan went in to get him out, which is why he never got a second yellow. Still quite funny though.

  3. Mr Yellow. He'$ really enjoying the moment.


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