Saturday, 2 July 2016

Wonderful Welsh Wizards Weave Widiculous Win

Wales truly set the Euros alight last night with a scintillating performance against a hapless Belgium. In the latest victory for team over individual, the Welsh simply out fought and outplayed Lukaku, Hazard, De Bruyne et al, scoring three sensational goals in a 3-1 drubbing.

Even better, James 'Ginger Pele' Collins came on to grab a piece of the action and highlighting the considerable depth to this Welsh squad. Chris Coleman does not share Wicked Woy's WestHamoPhobia and was more than happy to bring on the experienced centre half to shore up the defence for the final few minutes.

Wales have stolen a march on England in terms of Hammers selection with a one-nil victory caused by Hodgson's refusal to include any of Noble, Antonio, Cresswell or Carroll - any and all of whom would have been a useful addition during the desperate second half scenes as a gutless England surrendered to a determined Icelandic side.

For Wales, the one down point was the booking of Aaron Ramsay who will miss the semi final against Portugal. With Bale in better form than Ronaldo, it's nip and tuck between the teams across the rest of the park and wales will go into the encounter with every right to expect a result.

Dragons, Dragons, Dragons...

1 comment:

  1. 4 mins Ginge played so far but if it gets him to the Final good luck


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